26. Short-Term loans payable, Long-Term loans payable and Other Interest-Bearing DebtsShort-term bank loans are represented generally by 30-day or 90-day notes issued by the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries to banks at annual interest rates from 1.00% to 2.07% at March 31, 2018 and from 0.51% to 2.05% at March 31, 2017.Short-term and long-term loans payable as of March 31, 2018 and 2017 consisted of the following: Millions of yen Thousands ofU.S. dollars201820172018Short-term loans payable¥ 2,351¥ 641$ 22,129Current portion of long-term loans payable2,9863,05128,109Long-term loans payable14,39517,795135,497¥19,732¥21,488$185,736Other interest-bearing debts as of March 31, 2018 and 2017 consisted of the following: Millions of yen Thousands ofU.S. dollars201820172018Short-term lease obligation¥188¥201$1,774Long-term lease obligation2162772,040Planned repayment amounts after the balance sheet date (March 31, 2018) for long-term loans payable and lease obligation are as follows:Millions of yenThousands of U.S. dollars2018Over 1 year within 2 yearsOver 2 years within 3 yearsOver 3 years within 4 yearsOver 4 years within 5 yearsOver 1 year within 2 yearsOver 2 years within 3 yearsOver 3 years within 4 yearsOver 4 years within 5 yearsLong-term loans payable¥2,986¥9,177¥1,168¥531$28,109$86,388$11,000$5,000Lease obligation1225029121,15447628112027. Subsequent EventThe following distribution of retained earnings was approved at a meeting of the board of directors held on May 9, 2018.Millions of yen Thousands ofU.S. dollars2018Cash dividends (¥33 per share)¥2,381$22,41283LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEW