Information on impairment losses on noncurrent assets by reportable segmentMillions of yen2018Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalConsolidationImpairment loss¥—¥—¥—¥—¥1,041Thousands of U.S. dollars2018Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalConsolidationImpairment loss$—$—$—$—$9,804Note: Since companies, offices, and factories serve as the base for administrative classification of segment’s assets, no allocation to the segment of the enterprise is done.Millions of yen2017Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalConsolidationImpairment loss¥—¥—¥—¥—¥34Information related to the amount of amortization of goodwill and the unamortized amount of goodwill by reportable segmentMillions of yen2018Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalConsolidationUnamortized amount of goodwill¥—¥—¥—¥—¥29,189Thousands of U.S. dollars2018Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalConsolidationUnamortized amount of goodwill$—$—$—$—$274,745Notes:i.Since the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries disclose the same information of the amount of amortization of goodwill in the reportable segment information section, it has been omitted.ii.Since companies, offices, and factories serve as the base for administrative classification of segment’s assets, no allocation to the segment of the enterprise is done.Millions of yen2017Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalConsolidationUnamortized amount of goodwill¥—¥—¥—¥—¥34,558Notes:i.Since the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries disclose the same information of the amount of amortization of goodwill in the reportable segment information section, it has been omitted.ii.Since companies, offices, and factories serve as the base for administrative classification of segment’s assets, no allocation to the segment of the enterprise is done.Information on profit arising from negative goodwill by reportable segmentThere is no profit arising from negative goodwill for the years ended March 31, 2018 and 2017.81LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEW