3. Information on sales and income (loss), assets, and other items by reportable segment for the years ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 are outlined as follows: Millions of yen2018Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalAdjustmentsConsolidationNet salesNet sales to external customers¥121,691¥88,882¥38,456¥249,030¥ —¥249,030Intra-segment sales and transfers578815,57115,717(15,717)—Total¥121,748¥88,970¥54,027¥264,747¥(15,717)¥249,030Segment income¥ 3,040¥11,972¥ 4,996¥ 20,009¥ 86¥ 20,095OthersDepreciation and amortization¥ 3,863¥ 3,049¥ 2,118¥ 9,031¥ —¥ 9,031Amortization of goodwill¥ 3,427¥ —¥ —¥ 3,427¥ —¥ 3,427Thousands of U.S. dollars2018Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalAdjustmentsConsolidationNet salesNet sales to external customers$1,145,438$836,620$361,974$2,344,033$ —$2,344,033Intra-segment sales and transfers539832146,569147,942(147,942)—Total$1,145,978$837,452$508,544$2,491,975$(147,942)$2,344,033Segment income$ 28,622$112,692$ 47,027$ 188,341$ 810$ 189,151OthersDepreciation and amortization$ 36,362$ 28,706$ 19,938$ 85,007$ —$ 85,007Amortization of goodwill$ 32,259$ —$ —$ 32,259 $ —$ 32,259Notes:i.Segment income adjustments show elimination of the amount of intra-segment transactions.ii.Segment income is adjusted to be reported as operating income in the consolidated statement of income.iii.The amounts to be written off as depreciation and amortization of goodwill are allocated among the business segment on the basis of reasonable criteria.iv.Since companies, offices, and factories serve as the base for administrative classification of segment’s assets, no allocation to the business segment is done.Millions of yen2017Printing andIndustrial MaterialsProductsElectronic andOpticalProductsPaper andConvertedProductsTotalAdjustmentsConsolidationNet salesNet sales to external customers¥85,661¥83,205¥37,108¥205,975¥ —¥205,975Intra-segment sales and transfers607315,52315,657(15,657)—Total¥85,721¥83,278¥52,632¥221,633¥(15,657)¥205,975Segment income¥ 1,672¥ 9,155¥ 5,767¥ 16,595¥ (0)¥ 16,595OthersDepreciation and amortization¥ 2,706¥ 2,748¥ 2,011¥ 7,466¥ —¥ 7,466Amortization of goodwill¥ 315¥ —¥ —¥ 315¥ —¥ 315Notes:i.Segment income adjustments show elimination of the amount of intra-segment transactions.ii.Segment income is adjusted to be reported as operating income in the consolidated statement of income.iii.The amounts to be written off as depreciation and amortization of goodwill are allocated among the business segment on the basis of reasonable criteria.iv.Since companies, offices, and factories serve as the base for administrative classification of segment’s assets, no allocation to the business segment is done.79LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEW