(2) Assets and liabilities of MACtac Americas, LLC (another newly acquired consolidated subsidiary through acquisition of membership interests) at the inception of its consolidation, the acquisition cost of its membership interest and the related expenditures (net) for the acquisition were as follows:Millions of yen 2017Current assets¥ 9,066Non-current assets6,820Goodwill30,889Current liabilities(4,794)Non-current liabilities(7,564)Acquisition cost of membership interests¥34,417Cash and cash equivalents(775)Accrued amount of the acquisition cost of membership interests(301)Net expenditures for acquisition ¥33,340(3) Assets and liabilities of Lintec Graphic Films Limited (the other newly acquired consolidated subsidiary through acquisition of shares) at the inception of its consolidation, the acquisition cost of its shares and the related expenditures (net) for the acquisition were as follows:Millions of yen 2017Current assets¥ 378Non-current assets144Goodwill733Current liabilities(171)Non-current liabilities(59)Acquisition cost of shares¥1,024Cash and cash equivalents(61)Net expenditures for acquisition¥ 9633. Assets and liabilities related to finance lease transactions newly recognized for the years ended March 31, 2018 and 2017 were ¥138 million (U.S.$1,308 thousand) and ¥183 million, respectively.13. Leases(Lessee’s accounting)For finance lease transactions that transfer ownership, leased assets recognized as property, plant and equipment are mainly production facilities for the years ended March 31, 2018 and 2017, and are depreciated in the same way as the owned property, plant and equipment.For finance lease transactions that do not transfer ownership, leased assets recognized as property, plant and equipment are mainly production facilities and vehicles, and those recognized as intangible assets are mainly software for the years ended March 31, 2018 and 2017. These leased assets are depreciated to a residual value of zero by the straight-line method using the contract term as the useful life.The minimum lease payments under noncancellable operating leases as of March 31, 2018 and 2017 were as follows:Millions of yen Thousands ofU.S. dollars201820172018Due within 1 year¥ 629¥ 419$ 5,928Due after 1 year1,45859513,728Total¥2,088¥1,015$19,65665LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEW