46LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018Policy on Holdings of Capital Tie-Up SharesThe Company views the establishment and maintenance of stable, long-term relationships with business partners as a matter of importance. For this reason, shares of business partners are held strategically based on a comprehensive evaluation of factors such as the Company’s business relationship with the partner in ques-tion. We only acquire such holdings when increasing trust and coordination with the business partner through holdings is judged as an effective means of mutually raising corporate value, and these holdings are reviewed based on this perspective when neces-sary. In exercising voting rights, the Company respects the man-agement policies of the investee and votes for or against proposals based on a careful examination of whether or not the proposal will contribute to improved corporate value and shareholder returns.StockholdingsStocks held for purposes other than pure investmentNumber of issues: 43 issuesTotal amounts recorded on balance sheet: ¥2,185 millionFiscal Year under Review —Specific Investment SharesTop 10 issuesNumber of shares (Thousands)Amounts recorded on balance sheet (Millions of yen)Purpose of holdingToray Industries, Inc.1,1601,167To strengthen business relationshipsFujipream Corporation936361Same as aboveMitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.159111Same as aboveSoken Chemical & Engineering Co., Ltd.3592Same as aboveKING JIM CO., LTD.7678Same as aboveIMURA ENVELOPE CO., INC.10052Same as aboveMizuho Financial Group, Inc.20639Same as aboveOZU CORPORATION1535Same as aboveArisawa Mfg. Co., Ltd.3534Same as aboveASAHI PRINTING CO., LTD.2734Same as aboveShareholder InteractionsThe Company seeks to engage in constructive interactions with shareholders and other investors that contribute to sustainable growth and medium- to long-term improvements in corporate value. The Company has established an investor relations (IR) activity system and advances proactive initiatives based on the following policies to facilitate this endeavor.(1) The officer responsible for IR implements and oversees the Company’s various IR activities, including individual meetings with shareholders and investors. In regard to responses to requests for individual meetings, members of senior manage-ment or directors will meet with shareholders or investors requesting meetings based, whenever appropriate, on the desires and interests of the requester. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018, we held meetings with more than 150 domestic and overseas institutional investors and analysts. (2) The Public Relations Office, Finance & Accounting Dept., General Affairs & Legal Dept., and Corporate Strategic Office will play a central role in advancing the Company’s various IR activities. Relevant divisions pursue close coordination with these offices and departments, exchanging information on a daily basis and meeting with members of senior management as appropriate to share necessary information.(3) In addition to individual meetings, the Company’s IR activities include regular briefings on financial results and medium-term business plans, visits to overseas investors, participation in IR conferences at which overseas investors gather, facility tours, business explanatory forums, and Company briefings for indi-vidual investors. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018, the Company participated in a total of three IR conferences held in Tokyo. We seek to expand the range of information provided to domestic and overseas shareholders and other investors by publishing shareholder newsletters and annual reports and posting information in the IR section of our corporate website. At the same time, we collect feedback from a wide range of share-holders and other investors through surveys that are attached to shareholder newsletters and made available on the IR website.(4) Opinions and concerns of shareholders and other investors solicited through IR activities are relayed to management by the relevant divisions via quarterly business reports at the Board of Directors’ meetings or reported appropriately to management on an as-required basis.(5) In interactions with shareholders and other investors, we practice stringent management of information in accordance with the internal Insider Trading Prevention Regulations to ensure that insider information is not disclosed. In addition, the Company’s disclosure policy stipulates that we will observe a quiet period that begins approximately one month prior to the announcement of quarterly financial results to avoid leaks of financial results and to maintain fairness. During this period, we will not answer ques-tions or make comments on our financial results and forecasts.THE BASE THAT SUPPORTS GROWTHGovernance