35LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEWEnvironmental ManagementWe have acquired global integrated certification under international standard ISO 14001 for a total of 25 sites, including the LINTEC head office and plants, Research Center, Group company TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., and overseas Group companies. In March 2018, we completed work to achieve compliance with ISO 14001:2015. We will continue to promote the acquisition of global integrated certification by overseas Group companies as we strengthen Companywide engagement in environmental preservation.Reduction of Environmental ImpactThe LINTEC Group is working toward the realization of a sustain-able society with manufacturing that has low environmental impact. The Company’s CO2 emissions were reduced to 185,700 tons in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018, from 195,000 tons in the previous year. The amount of waste generated in production decreased from 30,240 tons to 29,890 tons year on year. However, the final landfill ratio was 1.67%. Thus, we did not realize the zero emissions rate of below of 1.0%, which we had achieved in each of the previous 10 years. In papermaking, the amount of water used per unit of production improved by 0.8% over that of the previous year. We are also constantly seeking to reduce the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including organic solvents that are released into the atmosphere (see below).Compliance with Environmental Laws, Directives, and RegulationsThe LINTEC Group seeks to be compliant with environmental laws, directives, and regulations in Japan and overseas and reduce chemi-cal substances that are harmful to the environment. In addition to responding to restricted substances stipulated by REACH*1 and RoHS,*2 we conduct environmental impact examinations of raw materials that we purchase and disclose necessary information to our customers.In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018, on a non-consolidated basis we reported nine substances under the PRTR system. The total volume was 7,838 tons, of which 7,752 were toluene, an organic sol-vent. Toluene emitted into the atmosphere amounted to 482 tons, an increase of 11 tons over that of the previous year, while the quantity transferred (treated as waste) was 16 tons more than in the previous year, at 483 tons.*1 REACH: EU regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals*2 RoHS: EU directive on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment10075502520,00015,00010,0005,0007,3615,9936,0145,9596,42711,88347.547.951.451.053.995.3020012015201420162017201801,000 tonsm3 / tonsWater Usage (Kumagaya and Mishima Plants)(Fiscal year ended March 31) Water usage Water usage amount / paper production tonnage (right)35302520151052014201520162017201829.930.228.329. year ended March 31) Waste paper Waste plastic Waste oil Sludge OtherWaste Generated1,000 tonsLINTEC plantsManufacturing processes for release papers and adhesive productsToluene flowNote: Elimination rate = eliminated amount / (handled amount – transferred amount) ×100Fiscal Year 2018 Emission and Transfer of TolueneExhaust-gas treatment facilityToluene handled: 7,752 tonsEmission into the atmosphere: 482 tonsQuantity transferred (Treated as waste): 483 tonsQuantity eliminated:6,787 tons(Elimination rate: 93.4%)