StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats27LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEWSemiconductor-Related Tapes Continuing to Sell Briskly in a Booming MarketThe future of the semiconductor market is very bright. It has broken a four-year “silicon cycle” of booms and busts to enter a “super cycle” thanks to the spread of the Internet of Things (IoT), which connects an array of things to the Internet; the introduction of next-generation, high-speed “5G” communi-cations; and the increasing incorporation of electronic com-ponents in automobiles. The sales growth of Advanced Materials Operations in recent years was not only the result of the tailwind that the semiconduc-tor market provided. A major driver of our performance was the continuous development and offering of wafer surface protective tapes that matched customers’ needs, enabling us to stake out a larger market share.The designs of semiconductor chips and packages are evolving at a high pace. LINTEC’s mission is to offer new tape processes and thereby keep up with these advances. Through ongoing patent strategies and other initiatives, LINTEC will continue to expand its presence in the semiconductor-related tape market.Enhancing Productivity and Commercializing New MaterialsIn April 2018, we reorganized the Optical Products Operations into two departments: the Global Management Dept. and the Functional Materials Dept. The role of the Global Management Dept. is to further heighten productivity and quality through global operations centered on manufactur-ing bases in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Functional Materials Dept. will develop and market not only polarizing films but also functional materials that are compatible with new display structures. Going forward, as well as enhancing productivity through the strengthening of partnerships with polarizing film manufacturers, we have to focus efforts on expanding businesses for optical-related components other than polarizing films. These include light diffusion films that heighten the visibility of displays and high-barrier films that provide an alternative to glass. For such films, we have already established materials with sufficient properties. Therefore, we will proceed steadily toward commercialization through such steps as the establishment of mass production processes.TOPICSSWOT Analysis• Ability to provide comprehensive solutions that combine tapes and equip-ment used in semiconductor manufacturing and mounting processes• Long record of supplying numerous semiconductor and electronic component manufacturers worldwide and unique technological capabilities• Expansion of electronics-related market due to such factors as spread of IoT and increasing use of electronics in automobiles• Technological innovation in relation to semiconductor packages, electronic components, and optical displays• Insufficient resources to cater to expanding electronics-related market and lengthening of delivery lead times for certain equipment• Sluggish growth in new businesses following on from businesses related to semiconductors, electronic components, and LCDs• Lower product prices due to commoditization of electronic devices• Rapid deterioration of conditions in electronics-related market and exchange rate fluctuationsPolarizing filmsReflective LCD using LINTEC’s light diffusion film (right)500400300200100201920152016201720180484463412(Forecast)(Forecast)$ BillionTrend Forecast for the Semiconductor Market(Calendar year)Source: World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS)