Flip chip mounting and backside coating tape for chipsIn recent years, as smartphones and other electronic devices have become thinner and advanced in performance, semiconductor packages with flip chips, which are connected to the substrate by bumps (protrud-ing electrodes on the circuit) and with the circuit facing downward, have come into widespread use instead of wire bonding (in which the chip is mounted and wires are used to connect the chip to the substrate).Flip chip mounting has the advantage of enhancing electrical proper-ties and reducing the mounting area. However, because the backside of the chip is exposed, reinforcing the chip became an issue as chips became thinner. In response, we came up with the idea of using tapes to protect and reinforce the backside surfaces of flip chips. The result was that LINTEC was the first mover in developing backside coating tapes for flip chips. Tailored to meeting customer needs, our lineup spans tapes that enable detection of imperfections in chips through infrared rays and tapes with outstanding heat dissipation qualities. Our global share in backside coating tape for flip chips is almost 100%.19LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEWMoldingUV irradiation of tapePicking upMountingMoldingThis process involves connecting the mounted and stacked chips on a substrate with wires and sealing with liquid resin.Picking up and Mounting Backside coating tapes for flip chipsA multifunction tape that has the functions of a dicing tape as well as a function that transfers adhesive for use in die bondingEquipment for UV irradiation of the dicing tape to reduce its adhesionVarious methods for mounting chipsChipWireAdhesive Substrateチップチップチップワイヤーバンプバンプ貫通電極粘着剤チップ基板テープ粘着剤粘着剤基板基板Wire bondingChipBump electrodeAdhesive Substrateチップチップチップワイヤーバンプバンプ貫通電極粘着剤チップ基板テープ粘着剤粘着剤基板基板Flip chipThis process involves picking up the cut chips, and mounting and stacking on the substrate with adhesive. After cutting, the tape’s adhesion is reduced through UV irradiation so that chips can be picked up easily. We also offer a proprietary process that transfers the adhesive of the fixing tape, which is used at the time of wafer cutting, to the back of the chip when it is picked up so that it can be mounted on the substrate directly.34Focus