REPORTING PERIODThis report covers the period from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. However, some of the information includes content from April 2018 onward.FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSThis report includes forward-looking statements, such as forecasts of business results, based on information currently held and assumptions that have been judged as reasonable by the Company. The Company cannot guarantee the accuracy of these statements or definitively assure the realization of future numeri-cal targets and policies. Actual business results, etc., may vary due to various factors and circumstances.Company Motto Mission StatementThe company name LINTEC derives from “linkage” and “technology,” two key components of our business philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of close relations, inside and outside the company, and leading-edge R&D programs. By bringing these together to develop innovative solutions, we have established a reputation in Japan and overseas as a dynamic and reliable company that contributes to the prosperity of our stakeholders, to the growth of our industry, and to a brighter future for society as a whole. And underpinning all of our business activities is an unwavering emphasis on “Sincerity and Creativity,” the twin values enshrined in our company motto.For tomorrow we build todaySincerity and CreativityEditorial PolicyThis report is meant to help shareholders and other investors understand the LINTEC Group and its quest to achieve sustain-able growth and contribute to the further development of society as a whole. Based on the International Integrated Reporting Framework released by the International Integrated Reporting Council in December 2013, in addition to performance and finan-cial information, this report also introduces the technological capabilities, human resources, and other “intangible assets” accumulated by the LINTEC Group that are of the variety not listed in the financial statements.Information that could not be contained within this report is available on the following websites.IR WebsiteCSR Websitehttp://www.lintec-global.com/ir/http://www.lintec-global.com/csr/