17LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2018FINANCIAL INFORMATIONESGSTRATEGYOVERVIEWShareholder ReturnsIn ClosingIn the current fiscal year, we plan to increase dividend payments ¥12 per share, to ¥78 per share.LINTEC regards enhancement of return of profits to shareholders as one of its most important manage-ment issues. From the perspective of distributing profits, we aim to provide stable and continued returns after consideration of each fiscal year’s consolidated performance while ensuring a balance with retained earnings to maintain a healthy balance sheet. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018, although profit attributable to owners of parent declined due to the recording of extraordinary loss, we paid a year-end dividend of ¥33 per share as planned. Together with an interim dividend of ¥33 per share, this gave a full-year dividend of ¥66 per share, the same level as in the previous fiscal year.With regard to dividend payments for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, based on our projection of net income per share of ¥221.75, we plan to increase dividend payments ¥12 per share, to ¥78 per share, and we expect a consolidated payout ratio of 35.2%. As we continue working to improve our corporate performance in the coming years, we will also work to further enhance shareholder returns.We are viewing the current fiscal year, which is the second year of LIP-2019, as a year to accelerate inno-vation and proactively advance measures based on the key initiatives. Although business conditions are challenging, we have to take bold steps. At the same time, we must go back to our initial viewpoint to properly analyze the progress and results of the measures we are currently implementing and adjust our trajectory in a timely manner if strategies need revising. In particular, turning around Group compa-nies that have had lackluster business results is a pressing task. In this regard, we will continue right-sizing workforces and consolidating and rebuilding bases. Further, we will develop new products that meet the expectations of customers, reduce costs through a range of measures to bolster the corporate structure, and create synergy benefits with the three companies in Europe and the United States that we acquired in 2016. Moreover, as well as forging ahead with concerted efforts to reach the plan’s final quan-titative targets of net sales of ¥270.0 billion and oper-ating income of ¥25.0 billion, the entire Group will focus on ensuring sustained growth beyond the plan’s term.As we move forward, we would like to ask our share-holders and investors for their continued support.August 2018Hiroyuki NishioRepresentative DirectorPresident, CEO and COO(Forecast)(Fiscal year ended / ending March 31)8080606040402020786666544842.341.635.729.70020152016201720182019¥%Cash Dividends per Share / Dividend Payout Ratio Cash Dividends per Share Dividend Payout Ratio (right)