Thousands of U.S. dollars2017Contract amountsEstimated Fair valueUnrealized gain (loss)Nature of transactionTotalOver 1 yearOff-market transactionsForward exchange contracts to:Sell: U.S. dollars (buy Japanese yen)$ 8,192$—$(130)$(130)Buy: Korean won (sell U.S. dollars)523—(22)(22)Sell: India rupee (buy Japanese yen)3,081—(178)(178)Total$11,797$—$(331)$(331)Note: Method of computing the estimated fair value is based on information provided by nancial institutions at the end of the scal year.Millions of yen2016Contract amountsEstimated Fair valueUnrealized gain (loss)Nature of transactionTotalOver 1 yearOff-market transactionsForward exchange contracts to:Sell: U.S. dollars (buy Japanese yen)¥422¥ —¥ 5¥ 5Buy: Korean won (sell U.S. dollars)114—(1)(1)Buy: Korean won (sell Japanese yen)30—(0)(0)Total¥567¥ —¥ 4¥ 4Note: Method of computing the estimated fair value is based on information provided by nancial institutions at the end of the scal year. 2. Derivatives to which the Company applied hedge accounting as of March 31, 2017 were as follows:(Interest rate related)Millions of yen2017Contract amountsEstimated Fair valueHedge accounting methodType of derivativesMajor hedged itemsTotalOver 1 yearThe Tokurei-shori for interest rate swapsInterest rate swaps Variable rate receipt / Fixed rate paymentLong-term loans payable¥2,355¥2,131¥(Note)Thousands of U.S. dollars2017Contract amountsEstimated Fair valueHedge accounting methodType of derivativesMajor hedged itemsTotalOver 1 yearThe Tokurei-shori for interest rate swapsInterest rate swaps Variable rate receipt / Fixed rate paymentLong-term loans payable$21$19$(Note)Note: Interest rate swaps subject to the Tokurei-shori for interest rate swaps are treated together with the hedged long-term loans payable. Accordingly, the fair value of those interest rate swaps is included in the fair value of the long-term loans payable.There is no disclosure applicable as of March 31, 2016.(Interest rate and currency related)Millions of yen2017Contract amountsEstimated Fair valueHedge accounting methodType of derivativesMajor hedged itemsTotalOver 1 yearThe Tokurei-shori and Furiate-shori for interest rate and currency swapsInterest rate and currency swaps Variable rate receipt / Fixed rate payment U.S.$ receipt / Japanese ¥ paymentLong-term loans payable¥6,581¥5,993¥(Note)Thousands of U.S. dollars2017Contract amountsEstimated Fair valueHedge accounting methodType of derivativesMajor hedged itemsTotalOver 1 yearThe Tokurei-shori and Furiate-shori for interest rate and currency swapsInterest rate and currency swaps Variable rate receipt / Fixed rate payment U.S.$ receipt / Japanese ¥ paymentLong-term loans payable$58$53$(Note)Note: Interest rate and currency swaps subject to the Tokurei-shori and Furiate-shori for interest rate and currency swaps are treated together with the hedged long-term loans payable. Accordingly, the fair value of those interest rate and currency swaps is included in the fair value of the long-term loans payable.69LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017