CORPORATE VALUE INITIATIVESRespect for Diversity and Human RightsThe LINTEC Group avoids discriminatory treatment of employ-ees based on race, creed, gender, education, nationality, reli-gion, or age, thereby respecting the diversity of individuals. In the areas of recruitment and employment, the Group complies strictly with labor laws and regulations, including the prohibi-tion of unfair discrimination, child labor, and harassment, and endeavors to promote an environment where all employees can go about their work in a positive and energized frame of mind. In 2017, we conducted a Groupwide survey of human rights and working conditions that conrmed we are strong on compliance and show respect for basic human rights. We plan to make this a regular annual survey.We have a helpline through which employees can consult with the General Affairs & Human Resources Division or a lawyer if they have any concerns or have witnessed illegal behavior in the workplace. Access was extended to overseas Group companies in 2015 and an English-language helpline is also available.Employee EducationLINTEC has a Companywide training system based on rank, as human resource education programs tailored to years of continuous service and career. To foster a globally oriented workforce and advance the careers of female employees, we also run theme-specic group and correspondence courses to promote objectives such as second-language acquisition and encouraging women to take on a more active role in the work-place. At the same time, the Company’s intranet offers e-learn-ing programs to increase all our employees’ understanding of topics such as the environment, product quality, BCMS, and CSR.Work-Life BalanceLINTEC is active in promoting balance between work and per-sonal life for employees to enable them to carry out their work without stress and exercise their abilities to the full. In addition to careful labor management designed to deter employees from working excessively long hours, and the implementation of a extime system, LINTEC aims to enable employees to match their work style to their lifestyle by augmenting pro-grams such as planned vacation, which encourages employees to take their paid leave. In the scal year ended March 31, 2017, we continued to promote the creation of environments in which employees can work with peace of mind through such mea-sures as extending the length of periods of leave and shorten-ing work hours through the family care program, in addition to expanding the eld of eligibility for shorter work hours using the childcare program.Employment of People with DisabilitiesThe Group’s employment ratio for people with disabilities reached 2.06% in the scal year ended March 31, 2017, sur-passing the legally mandated ratio of 2.0%. We will endeavor to increase the ratio further with measures such as improvements to on-site facilities as required.Human ResourcesThe LINTEC Group employs more than 5,000 people in Japan and overseas including staff at non- consolidated companies. Diverse human resources are precious Group assets. During its 90-year history, LINTEC has sought to foster a culture that values harmonious working relationships and also “stand out in the crowd” individuality. This culture and a deeply rooted Companywide innovation mind-set are key Group strengths. In its efforts to provide a congenial workplace for all, LINTEC pays constant attention to enhancing its sys-tems and training employees.Training seminar38LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017