Efforts toward Business ContinuationThe Group is building a system that enables business opera-tions to continue or restart quickly if struck by a disaster. All the Company’s locations in Japan, subsidiaries TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., and LINTEC SPECIALITY FILMS (TAIWAN), INC., have obtained certication under ISO 22301:2012, the interna-tional standard for business continuity management system (BCMS). BCMS study meetings and drills are held at all sites so that, in the event of a natural disaster or accident that disrupts business operations, we can ensure the safety of our employ-ees and then recommence the supply of products promptly, minimizing impact on our customers and other stakeholders.We also evaluate the business continuity capabilities of sup-pliers of raw materials that are critical in securing stable sup-plies of our products. Additionally, we request that these suppliers introduce a business continuity plan (BCP) and estab-lish a system for implementing it on an organization-wide basis.Gohei KawamuraDirector, Managing Executive OfcerGeneral Manager, Production Div.In production, our goals revolve around safety, quality, and yield. As production General Manager, I will be pursuing our goals while also emphasizing speed in implementing necessary measures.Under the medium-term business plan LIP-2019, I want to put our plants in Japan on an even more solid footing. Keeping an eye on market trends, I will be giving consideration to invest-ments designed to strengthen our production base for the future. This includes reconstructing plants and renewing facili-ties. Our overseas plants are growing in importance as our overseas sales ratio rises. The Printing and Industrial Materials Products manufacturing bases in China and Southeast Asia are having difculties, and the Production Division will be giving its full support to these bases to improve earnings. In the U.S., the key will be to realize synergies quickly with the two companies that became subsidiaries in 2016. MACTAC AMERICA’s hot-melt formulation and VDI’s vapor depositing are attractive technolo-gies, and I want us to create synergies in these areas in the course of LIP-2019.LINTEC has consistently promoted on-site reform initiatives. In April 2017, a conference was held for our plant safety ofcers in Japan to report on their safety activities and exchange views on safety. This led to the discovery of points for improvement and to the best activities being rolled out in other plants. I will be looking to maintain a rigorous safety approach as we boost our plants’ strengths.A Message from the General Manager37LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017