
Zero Accident CultureSafety is the top priority in LINTEC Group plants, which are operated to preempt injuries to personnel. Our practices include risk assessment, which enables us to put safety stan-dards in place, and hazard prediction exercises as we pursue our 5S* program of organizing, clearing up, cleaning, cleanli-ness, and discipline. Safety and hygiene committees hold monthly meetings at all our sites in Japan and overseas to enable us to ascertain progress in our safety activities and share information. In April 2017, a safety conference was held for domestic plant safety ofcers for the exchange of informa-tion about each plant’s initiatives. We will continue activities on multiple fronts in accordance with our zero accident culture.* 5S: Seiri (organizing), Seiton (clearing up), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (cleanliness), and Shitsuke (discipline) in JapaneseThorough Quality ManagementThe LINTEC Group has acquired ISO 9001 certication, the international standard for quality management systems, for 21 sites in Japan and overseas. We are working to further rein-force our quality assurance system by obtaining ISO 9001 for other departments and acquiring integrated certication for related sites. When comparing major quality incidents by year, if the scal year ended March 31, 2004, is set as 100 in an index of major quality incidents, the level has been 20 or less for the past ve years. We construct and implement management systems that enable us to take swift action if a quality incident should occur, collecting information, analyzing causes, and taking steps to prevent recurrence. This framework is in place in Japan and overseas.Fair TransactionsLINTEC has a basic policy for fair and transparent transactions based on the principle of free competition among suppliers, and our procurement activities comply with all relevant laws and regulations and social norms. For major suppliers, we require evaluations through self-audit check sheets for assess-ing suppliers based on quality, chemical substance manage-ment, administration and services, and CSR. We periodically review our purchasing processes while maintaining and strengthening partnerships.Green ProcurementThe LINTEC Group is committed to procurement that aims to reduce environmental impact through rigorous chemical sub-stance management for raw materials, parts, and secondary materials. When procuring a new material or responding to a new regulation, we ask for suppliers’ understanding in con-ducting ingredient examinations to monitor for the presence of regulated substances. In the scal year ended March 31, 2017, we carried out such examinations on approximately 5,000 items. In addition, we request that suppliers engage in proac-tive environmental preservation activities and undertake rigor-ous chemical substance management.Environmental ManagementWe have acquired global integrated certication under interna-tional standard ISO 14001 for a total of 25 sites, including the LINTEC head ofce and plants, Research Center, Group com-pany TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., and 11 overseas Group com-panies. Following the 2015 revision of ISO 14001, we are working to achieve compliance with the revised standards and will continue to promote the acquisition of global integrated certication by overseas Group companies as we strengthen Companywide engagement in environmental preservation.80100606040200200420132015201420162017(Fiscal years ended March 31)1002018141213Ratio of Quality Incidents to the Number Recorded 35LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017

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