CORPORATE VALUE INITIATIVESProductionThe LINTEC Group utilizes sophisticated clean room facilities, cutting-edge manufacturing facilities, and original production technologies in making products appropriate for wide-ranging customer requirements. While establishing good relationships with our suppliers, we are actively making efforts to operate quality, environmental, and business-continuity management systems. In doing so, we deliver peace of mind and reliability to our customers.13864751Agatsuma Plant2Kumagaya Plant3Chiba Plant4Tatsuno Plant5Shingu Plant6Komatsushima Plant7Mishima Plant8Ina Technology CenterProduction StructureIn Japan, our large and diverse product lineup is manufactured at 10 production plants. Keeping our eye on market needs, we are constantly striving to enhance efciency in production by introducing the latest facilities to replace older ones and reconstructing plant layouts. Each plant also works on its own reforms and takes steps to increase yield and reduce costs. Overseas, we have more than 10 production plants, which link with their Japan counterparts to form an optimal production network.234LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017