Share of Net SalesPrinting and Industrial Materials Products¥ 85.7 billion41.6 %Paper and Converted Products¥ 37.1 billion18.0 %Electronic and Optical Products¥ 83.2 billion40.4 %Share of Operating IncomePrinting and Industrial Materials Products¥ 1.7 billion10.1 %Paper and Converted Products¥ 5.8 billion34.7 %Electronic and Optical Products¥ 9.2 billion55.2 %Net Sales¥ 206.0 billionFiscal year ended March 31, 2017Operating Income¥ 16.6 billionFiscal year ended March 31, 2017Note: Operating income composition data is based on gures before the elimination of intra-segment transactions.Makoto Hattori Director, Managing Executive Ofcer General Manager, Business Administration Div.I became General Manager in April 2017 and feel a strong sense of responsibility for achieving the goals of the medium-term business plan LIP-2019. The numerical targets of the plan’s nal year were compiled on a bottom-up basis so that if each opera-tion reaches its targets the Group will too. Having failed to reach the targets of the previous medium-term business plan, I intend to put a structure in place for thorough analysis of the causes if our performance deviates from target and rapid remedial action.“Strengthening of regional strategy” is a key LIP-2019 initia-tive. It requires us to think about Japan, Asia, Europe, and North America, for example, as individual markets. This is not a Japan / overseas divide. Although Japan is said to be a mature market, many of our businesses have a domestic emphasis and most materials, technology, and services originate from Japan. Japan therefore remains an important market that merits continued effort. In Asia, the subsidiaries that have been put in place in Southeast Asia and India in recent years are not yet functioning at full strength, and we will be reorganizing the network in accor-dance with changes in market conditions. In Europe and North America, we will aim to expand sales in Printing and Industrial Materials Products in conjunction with the three companies that became subsidiaries in 2016. In all markets, the most important thing is to understand the true demands of the markets, and to this end we will take steps to strengthen our communication with customers.A Message from the General Manager23LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017