Group structure with measures including Group company reorganization in Japan.At the same time, we want to make effective use of the information system infrastructure we have built and inte-grated into our operations to raise levels of efciency in our back-ofce operations, in particular, and optimize our allocation of human resources. We will also be paying heed to costs from the stage of product design and devel-opment onward and undertaking cost restructuring initia-tives in procurement, production, and distribution. We expect these measures to produce cost savings of ¥2.1 bil-lion over three years.4 Activities for realizing a sustainable societyLINTEC has long been an enthusiastic corporate citizen in respect of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We will be looking to further promote business activities with an aware-ness of the issues brought up in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as environmental and population-related issues, and we expect this effort to be reected in LINTEC’s growth and social development. At the same time, we believe that a dynamic workplace where a wide variety of people can work together is essential for sustainable growth, and we will strive to enhance the working environment with Group initia-tives in areas such as work-style reform, female participation in business activities, jobs for persons with disabilities, and staff training at Group companies overseas. A message to our shareholders and investorsHaving fallen short of our previous medium-term busi-ness plan’s targets, we are aiming to keep the PDCA cycle* turning as we pursue the LIP-2019 targets, so that we identify areas where we deviate from plan, investigate the causes thoroughly, and respond promptly with correc-tive action. In line with the plan’s basic policy and with the objectives of deepening the innovation LINTEC has built up over the years and generating new growth, we are pro-moting a radical rethink of individual employees’ mind-set and business practices.Increasing our employees’ level of satisfaction is crucial to enhancing customer satisfaction and hence elevating our earnings. We will therefore strive to create an even more rewarding and happier workplace for all our employees in pursuit of sustained growth.As we move forward, we would like to ask our share-holders and investors for their continued support.August 2017Hiroyuki NishioRepresentative DirectorPresident, CEO and COOWe are aiming to keep the PDCA cycle turning as we pursue the LIP-2019 targets.*PDCA cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle for continuous process improvement through repetition of its four phases13LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 201713LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 2017