
Millions of yen2015DescriptionCarrying valueAcquisition costUnrealized gain (loss)Securities whose carrying value exceeds their acquisition costStocks¥2,163¥  976¥1,187Bonds———Other———Subtotal¥2,163¥  976¥1,187Securities whose acquisition cost exceeds their carrying valueStocks¥  492¥  522¥    (29)Bonds———Other———Subtotal¥  492¥  522¥    (29) Total¥2,656¥1,498¥1,15715. Marketable and Investment SecuritiesThe carrying value and acquisition cost of other securities as of March 31, 2016 and 2015 were as follows:Millions of yen Thousands ofU.S. dollars2016DescriptionCarrying valueAcquisition costUnrealized gain (loss)Carrying valueAcquisition costUnrealized gain (loss)Securities whose carrying value exceeds their acquisition costStocks¥2,143¥1,018¥1,124$19,021$ 9,037$ 9,983Bonds——————Other——————Subtotal¥2,143¥1,018¥1,124$19,021$ 9,037$ 9,983Securities whose acquisition cost exceeds their carrying valueStocks¥  325¥  495¥  (169)$ 2,892$ 4,400$(1,507)Bonds——————Other——————Subtotal¥  325¥  495¥  (169)$ 2,892$ 4,400$(1,507) Total¥2,469¥1,514¥   955$21,913$13,438$ 8,475Note 1:Method of computing the estimated fair value of nancial instruments, securities and derivative instruments(1) Cash and deposits; (2) Trade notes and accounts receivableSince these items are settled in a short period of time and have estimated fair values that are virtually the same as the carrying value on the ledger, the carrying value has been used.(3) Investment securitiesThe market value of investment securities is determined by the price of the stock traded on an exchange market.(4) Trade notes and accounts payable; (5) Short-term borrowings; (6) Accrued income taxesSince these items are settled in a short period of time and have estimated fair values that are virtually the same as the carrying value on the ledger, the carrying value has been used.(7) Derivative instrumentsPlease see Note 16, “Derivatives.”Note 2:Financial instruments for which obtaining an estimated fair value is deemed to be extremely difcult:Millions of yenThousands of U.S. dollars201620152016Carrying valueCarrying valueCarrying valueUnlisted stocks¥656¥656$5,828 The unlisted stocks in the preceding table do not have market values, and as estimating their future cash ows is deemed to be extremely difcult, they are not included in the above table “(3) Investment securities.”Note 3:Planned redemption amounts after the balance sheet date for held-to-maturity securities and receivables were as follows:Millions of yenThousands of U.S. dollars201620152016Within 1 yearWithin 1 yearWithin 1 yearCash and deposits¥ 65,711¥ 62,005$  583,166Trade notes and accounts receivable62,33164,094553,176Total¥128,043¥126,100$1,136,343LINTEC ANNUAL REPORT 201656:: FINANCIAL SECTION


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